The new year always heralds new habits and this year I'm trying better breakfasts. I've never been one to skip this crucial meal of the day and by 'better', I simply mean more sustaining. Teaching is exhausting at the best of times and eating well is one way to secure good health. I've really got into hot porridge that has been 'accessorized' with fruit and/or honey. This keeps me comfortably going until lunch and I must say, my energy levels are much better at the end of the day. As well as this, I'm unable to have wheat in my diet so I sourced some Pumpernickel bread to try out as a breakfast food. The taste was a bit of a shock (it is really dense and heavy) but with some peanut butter and resilience, I came to like it. Porridge and Pumpernickel are low G.I. (Glycemic Index) which means they release their energy more slowly. They leave you feeling fuller for longer and prevent those 'sugar highs' that are often followed by energy slumps or crashes.
A bowl of hot porridge... |
A little honey... |
An explosion of fruit! |
Pumpernickel - it tastes better than it looks! |