Wednesday, 2 September 2015

All about the base...

There are certain products that I'm reluctant to change, simply because getting them right is a pain/labour of love. Switching to a new foundation is definitely up there because finding the right shade is a holy grail type mission. I decided to wave goodbye to my powder foundation and go back to a liquid after many, many years. I have skin that gets a sheen as the day goes on so I wanted something that worked on this. More importantly, I wanted something that didn't clog pores or exacerbate my problem areas. I decided to go with Clinique and so began the painstaking journey! I initially got given a sample pot in Beige (Stay Matte range) and that was far too light for my skin tone. I then tried Sand which gave me an instant light tan (not the effect I was after). Not to be defeated, I went back to the counter and declared that a shade between these two would be perfect. There was nothing suitable in this range, so the helpful assistant suggested Fresh Honey in the Anti-Blemish Solutions range. If something has 'anti' and 'blemish' in the title I'm all over it! This was the best fit so my voyage of discovery was over. I'm happy to say that I've stuck with this shade and if it copes with most situations, conditions and time frames, I'll be a loyal customer (until the next change!).

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